One-liners, observations, deep thoughts, tinylists, and anecdotes. Submit a joke »
Horse racing: the only sport where they shoot the athlete and pay the equipment.
Holy crap! Who is that? I thought you asked if I wanted to see a dad body.
I was named after my mother. She was named 30 years prior.
— Diana Witt, @_dianawitt
No, Slender James is my father. Please, call me Slim Jim.
Tell a man a joke and he laughs for a second. Teach a man a joke and someone else laughs for a second, later.
When my uncle died, we bought the casket from IKEA. The funeral took all weekend.
Here at the National Weather Service, we pride ourselves on accuracy, which is why at any given moment at any given weather station we have a man licking his finger and holding it in the air.
Never understood death row inmates who who order gargantuan last meals. The last thing I feel like doing after a huge meal is getting executed. Too full!
Damn, the Twin Towers really did everything together.
You say I’m a terrible dad but my other family doesn’t think so.
I recently joined a dating site. Turns out women find me utterly resistible.
I'm not saying that I'm more honest than God, but I've never promised victory to both sides of a war.
Scientists declared multitasking a myth because when you multitask there is an increase in error, it also takes longer than completing one task at a time… is not the answer to “why did it take women so long to get the vote” according to my ex.
Come to think of it, organized crime is a lot better than UNorganized crime. “Give me the gun!” “There’s no ammo.” “Where the hell is the ammo?” “I forgot it in the car!” “Why??!” “Idk, don’t yell at me!!”
— Nam Tran
People refer to us as a spiritual couple but I think they just mean poor.
Smart kids are gifted, smart adopted kids are re-gifted.
I don’t think hurricanes mean any harm, I think they just want to be on TV.
— Nam Tran
I don't understand oat milk. I've never met an oat with tits.
Groundhog Day means six more weeks of winter. Ground Beef Week means we’re eating like kings.
Doctor: Good news. Your prostate is totally healthy.
Patient: Thanks! I’m going to be bringing in another one next week.