Dish Your Name
The cheapest possible plates & cutlery
Not enough soda
A side dish that inexplicably calls for three sticks of cream cheese
A family recipe that no one outside your family enjoys
Something stinky
A dish that you’re way too proud of, which you’ll encourage everyone to try but then get gloomy about when no one eats
An entree that caters to your food intolerance, which you’ll encourage everyone to try, but then get gloomy when they eat it all because “What are you supposed to eat?”
Swedish meatballs
A dish you’ve never made before, but after obsessive Googling, you landed on because the author of the recipe blog described it as “adventurous,” which is how you hope Dan from accounting will see you
A soup that stinks up your car for three weeks
A mysterious crock pot full of goo
Something with a hair in it
A dip that you picked up from the grocery cold case, and although you won’t try to pass off as your own, you will earnestly try to convince everyone that there is something special about Meijer’s French onion dip
A hot pasta dish that’s served cold
A cold pasta dish that’s somehow hot
An appetizer concocted in the middle of the night after you woke up in a cold sweat remembering you forgot to make something for the office potluck
Gas-X chewables