- I’m wearing a really cool wool roll-neck sweater and barn jacket.
- My best friend repeatedly tells me he just can’t be my friend anymore.
- I’m baffled by the notion that my contemporaries are more concerned with becoming contributing members of society than drinking another warm beer.
- People look at me—some scornfully, some quizzically, some with pity—when I enter the pub.
- Someone chokes on a finger and vomits.
- The pint of beer is more than just a pint of beer. It is my refuge, my rock, and my salvation.
- Folksy Irish music, ranging from pithily optimistic to drearily ominous, punctuates the day’s events.
- Deirdre offers to show the townies her breasts in exchange for shots of Irish whiskey.
- Someone is being pulled from the lake.
- I repeatedly ask people who I know smoke to give me a cigarette and I become incredulous when they tell me they don’t have any more.
- I have nowhere to go because I have been banned from the bar for “bothering the women.”
- Depression and mental health amongst men are hinted at but never explicitly discussed.
- While others express some concern about their legacy, I elect to drink another warm beer.
- When I ask my best friend why he can’t be my best friend anymore, he says, “I just don’t like you no more.”
- Even the village idiot wonders what is the matter with me.
- My loved ones express concern that I might never leave this place.
1-7; 9-16: Banshees of Inishirin
1-16: My four undergraduate St. Patrick’s days