I hate America right now.

I never used to hate America. I mean, I always knew we were fat and obnoxious, but that's because we want to be fat and obnoxious, and if anyone has a problem with that they can go to hell. We're Americans and that's how we think. And if anyone has a problem with that? shit, I guess I'm just repeating myself now.

But it wasn't until Ron Paul started running for President that I realized exactly how rigged this game is.

I cannot stress this enough: our government has no interest in doing anything other than protecting their own interests. They don't care about us, our education, our wealth, our individual power, our freedom or even our health. They could give two fucks if we live or die unless we're rich enough to make them richer. And most of us are not.

Ron Paul, after the latest presidential debate, won an online poll on CNBC.COM, which is supposed to be an independent news source.

It's not. In fact, I don't think there's such a thing anymore. I'm starting to believe all the conspiracy nuts: the media really is out to help create the smokescreen that we are free.

After Ron Paul won their online poll, this was written by Allen Wastler, Managing Douchebag at CNBC.

Basically, what Allen is saying is that this poll cannot be taken seriously because Ron Paul has too many supporters, and the other numbers, the ones only verifiable by the media, and the ones in which the media chooses the pollsters, don't show Paul getting that much support. So the online numbers must be wrong.

What bullshit.

Basically, because Ron Paul won the poll, because he had the most supporters at the debate and because the poll was online, this must be rigged. No one trusts computers, which was why we let them tally our votes in the last presidential election.

What a bullshit country.

The lies are piling up and getting more and more obvious: government contracts to feed a war that makes some rich and does great harm to the rest, a media that totally ignores the constitution and instead focuses on whatever shiny baubles it can entertain the populace with, and a people who are content to sit on their asses and never think about what truly goes on in this country.

To borrow from Homer Simpson: “Secrets and Lies, Marge. Secrets and Lies.”

So I ask you, if we no longer have the number one economy, if we no longer have our freedom, if our media works for big government, if we're the worst first world country in education, if we're fat, obnoxious and lazy, and if we're known worldwide as war mongering fucksticks, what exactly do we have to be proud of in this country?

Please let me know in the comment box, because I'm getting pretty fucking despondent.


