Last night I got lucky. I met a girl who didn't hate me, who laughed at my jokes (or at least pretended to) and who let me take her home. That was awesome.
This morning, because neither one of us had anything to do (I'm on vacation and she has a four day schedule), we decided to catch a movie.
It's a little weird, catching a movie with a chick you woke up with. Most people do the movie thing first. I brought this up to her shortly after the movie and she laughed. (I love the sound of women laughing?I'm a romantic). Later, I dropped her off at her place and then hit up the bar, where I drank a few Long Island Iced Teas and thought.
And well, I just don't know if “Ocean's Thirteen” was worth my money. It was kinda good, but “Theater Good”? I just don't know.
My date liked it fine, said it was “innocent fun.”
When I asked her what she meant by that, she just smiled and batted her eyelashes in a way that expressed something I didn't quite get.
Women with long eyelashes can express themselves with them. Unfortunately, their eyelashes are no more easily understood than their voices. So, to reiterate, I missed her message.
But whatever.
The important thing is that two human beings got to know each other on a Monday night in which neither person had anything to do the following day.
And it's good to find someone you have something in common with. If only for a day or two.
Now, if y'all will excuse me, I have to go back to practicing growing facial hair (I'm working on my first ever beard?wish me luck!).
Gotta love vacations, huh?
I said, “Huh!?!”
Yeah, don't pay no attention to me. I need a nap.