Brick, 47, screaming Mets fan, and Chester, 42, crying Jets fan

These two brilliantly built their own empires, but still make time for each other. Their devotion to athletics in our great city is one of many qualities that prove that they really are the power couple. From fighting on trains to throwing hot dogs at babies, to smashing TVs at TGI Friday’s, these two continue to make us swoon and remind us what makes love in our city so great.

Man armed with a broomstick, woman swinging a crowbar at Walgreens, and lady brandishing a razor blade

Regularly appearing on the robbery and light assault circuit, the only throuple to make the list have been going hot and heavy since they all met one night at the John’s Street 7/11. Each brings different things to the table, and what makes it so charming? They all stole that table from the Hollywood Diner on 14th street! Teamwork makes this dream work.

Pigeons Mary, 1, and Chandler, 1

These actual lovebirds own New York City. One rules the East River while the other dominates the Hudson. Could anything be more unexpected? Star-crossed lovers making it work across enemy lines. Does that ring a bell, William Shakespeare? The only difference is in this city, our Romeo and Juliet will not die in melodramatic fashion, but will live for an average of two to three years.

Man exposing himself while stealing a Citibike and woman flashing bus driver while stealing a MetroCard

These two heartthrobs regularly appear on the public indecency circuit, while still making time for a gala or two. Their unpredictable charm captured each others’ hearts…and all of ours. From robbing public transportation to crashing fancy dinners at Cipriani that result in New York Post headlines such as “Drunk, Wet Couple Rollerblade Into Rich Crowd At SoulCycle Fundraising Dinner.” When it comes to not ruling New York, these two are just getting started.

Trish Fornhaumer, 62, and Ricky LiDickie, 64

Trish is known around town for drinking white wine at McSorley’s at 11 AM on Tuesdays, as well as Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, most Sundays, Fridays, and Mondays, while Ricky is famous for breaking glass and street fighting before 2 PM on most Thursdays. The Irish pubs they frequent are some of the most legendary in the city, but they're not nearly as well-known as this fiery twosome.

East 87th street Pomeranian and East 72nd street Italian greyhound

These two pooches are the definition of couple goals. Matching sweaters? Check. Matching winter boots? Check. Matching tone-deaf, plastic surgery laden, upper-class, politically-incorrect, out-of-touch owners? Double-check!

Roger Fernsby, 204, and Eliza Macquoid, 203, married for 187 years

He’s a ghost and she’s a witch. He’s the boss of the nightlife and she’s the boss of the night sky. He handles the dishes, and she handles the witches. It takes two to tango and these two are not interested in dancing because they’ve both been dead for quite some time and cannot be seen, heard, or technically exist in this realm. They are also very busy haunting the midtown west Duane Reade that now stands where their old apartment complex once did. Did you just see a Twix fly through aisle 7? Eliza must be hangry!

