It Would Be Pointless to Try These Ineffective Tongue Twisters
This Café Makes All The Espresso, I Guess / Sacrifice Something So Grandma Can Leave
Ann Arbor based college student, aspiring NYC-based college graduate. Recipient of generally positive feedback from screenwriting professor.
This Café Makes All The Espresso, I Guess / Sacrifice Something So Grandma Can Leave
Just because I’m an essay collection does not mean you get to neglect a third of my chapters and count me toward your summer Goodreads goal.
Warm and wide-ranging and wise, a wonderful companion. Plenty of substance but free of clumsiness. Neither cloddy nor cobby.
The most important qualities a man can have are leadership, integrity, and enough forearm strength to pull himself over an 8-foot ledge.
For all you foodies out there, you should know that very few alehouses carry meade, let alone fresh horsemeat.
When I heard I would be given the honor of introducing tonight’s penultimate speaker, you could imagine my excitement.
I do take issue with whoever claimed the domain and started an all-out bidding war for my family’s home.
I’m a gumball, and the secret to withstanding inflation is really just a hard, protective shell.