1. Orthodontophobia refers to the fear of orthodontists.

2. The word “orthodontist” comes from the Greek prefix “ortho,” meaning “straight,” and the contraction “don't,” as in, “if you don’t have impeccably straight teeth you should feel ashamed.”

3. The orthodontist secretes a special cement-like substance to secure brackets to the surface of each tooth. Despite the strong adhesive qualities, an orthodontist will never get stuck to its own bonding agent.

4. The orthodontist tends to prey on children and teenagers, but has been known to target those in their twenties, thirties, or even older.

5. Orthodontists survive on monthly payment plans, which may or may not be covered by your insurance.

6. Known threats to the orthodontist include gum, popcorn, and at-home aligner kits.

7. The average person swallows eight orthodontists per year in their sleep.

8. Orthodontists are very resourceful, often reusing wires and latex elastics from patient to patient.

9. Male orthodontists give gifts such as disposable toothbrushes and used cheek retractors in order to impress female orthodontists.

10. Orthodontists are equipped with a distal cutter, which they use to trim archwires and intimidate rival orthodontists.

11. Some female orthodontists consume their partner after mating, but most just have a snack instead.

12. An orthodontist bite is typically harmless, although it could result in a malpractice suit.

13. Orthodontists can become agitated due to sudden movement, unwanted contact, or a perceived lack of flossing.

14. The best way to keep orthodontists away is to already have perfectly positioned teeth. Otherwise, you can always cancel your next appointment with at least 48 hours’ notice.

15. The “orthodontic sense” refers to the innate ability of an orthodontist to detect when you haven’t been wearing your retainers.

