The People Who Will Beat You in the Thanksgiving Half Marathon for Which You’ve Trained for Months
- A nine-year-old who will be upset later that there’s no gravy for his potato volcano
- A nine-year-old who will be upset later that there’s no gravy for his potato volcano
This is progressing faster than I can manage—remember, I’m a marathon, not a sprint.
Good game, I didn’t mean what I said when I said, “We’re gonna kill this sorry ass team!”
Did You Know? "Stress Ball" is indirectly responsible for the death of ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛!
Allison in HR gave me the full-court press and explained that some of you think my sports analogies are creating a toxic workplace.
You are entropy incarnate. Which is captured much more accurately by this clip of a frog with long, sexy lady legs that burps up the word "Strike."
First off, I didn’t know anybody was watching. And never in a million years would I have guessed that the penalty would be the loss of one hundred points for our team.
Projections show that if the current situation is allowed to continue without intervention, the vibes at NASA could reach weird levels.
When Tom first started playing, there were no 5th downs or 100-yard field goals. And every game took place on Earth, where gravity was a huge factor.
The dads effectively hit everything except the ball causing a lot of property damage while the factory workers could not settle on a bat.
“Nobody ever scores.” Dozens of goals have been scored in Soccer, the last of which was in 2006.
Badly behaving sports fans (A.K.A. “Brood W”) have exploded in population due to their inability to behave in public after their long hibernation.