How to Protect Your Stadiums from the Swarm of Sports Fans Emerging after 16 Months
Badly behaving sports fans (A.K.A. “Brood W”) have exploded in population due to their inability to behave in public after their long hibernation.
Badly behaving sports fans (A.K.A. “Brood W”) have exploded in population due to their inability to behave in public after their long hibernation.
Simon says put your hands on your hips if you didn’t realize this year’s summer games were not actually called the 2021 Olympics.
If you are caught engaging in coitus during a club meeting, the excuse “but I was just pinging her pong” is far from adequate.
I’ve never lied about being robbed at gunpoint to avoid admitting to pissing in some bushes outside of a western Rio de Janeiro gas station.
Scott Scranton explains how to vacay cheaper this summer—without sacrificing fun. Plus, Glen Lentil's blueberry pancakes from the heart.
Above The Rim: No one gets a scholarship to Georgetown, where many hookups can take place, because the grounds have been converted to a WeWork space.
Get suitable gift ideas for any run-of-the-mill person, and tips for reusing leftovers from Sarah Reelwomin (NOT a raccoon).
I became a bowling alley screen animation because damn it, I love this sport and I love being a part of it.
Foolish Pleasure? Super Fuzz? Cave O'Wonders? No matter which way you look at it, you picked a winner.
Your next tweet will go viral, attracting the attention of your biggest celebrity crush and leading to a passionate affair. (1 in 40.3 billion)
It smells a little sweaty but it’s cheaper to rent and deal with mysterious odors than buy your own at full price.
Instructor Kate knows you won’t make it past two months on this bike, but she also knows you need her positive energy to have any chance at all.