The World Yacht Tipping Finals, Only on WhaleWorld Sports Network
Throwing out the ceremonial sea lion is actor Brendan Fraser, who starred in "The Whale" and has been known to compete in yacht tipping competitions himself.
Throwing out the ceremonial sea lion is actor Brendan Fraser, who starred in "The Whale" and has been known to compete in yacht tipping competitions himself.
Mr. Jensen has not won eight gold medals in curling. In fact, it’s unclear whether or not Mr. Jensen has even seen curling before.
Later I realized the pins shouldn’t have had an extended death sequence where they struggle on the ground pleading for their life.
It’s not all caviar and champagne; just some of it--like 40 percent. SHUT UP! Don’t speak. I have a lot to say.
I'm an athletic person so the sweatband is useful and does not look like the beginnings of a goofy '80s Halloween costume.
Jesus Christ brings a robust following as well as the ability to do some pretty amazing things off the court.
Company Softball Team 5000: Play as Herb from Accounting, who has a bad back and will inevitably have to sit out most of the innings.
Tie-Dye Sonics Blindfold: Take a moment to soak in the game-day atmosphere by succumbing to all of your other senses.
Slang names for pickleball include lazy tennis, geriatric badminton, and "a weak excuse to drink Gatorade."
- A nine-year-old who will be upset later that there’s no gravy for his potato volcano
This is progressing faster than I can manage—remember, I’m a marathon, not a sprint.
Good game, I didn’t mean what I said when I said, “We’re gonna kill this sorry ass team!”