Back, Demon! Your Name Gives Me Dominion Over You– Uh, As Soon As I Remember It
I have discovered that which can destroy you! Your name, demon! And I know your name… uh… man.
I have discovered that which can destroy you! Your name, demon! And I know your name… uh… man.
Someone or something begins to rattle the door back and forth as if trying to force it open. Suddenly, it stops.
Imagine my horror as I watched Mario and Luigi stuff their pockets without a moment’s thought for their fellow trick-or-treater.
You’re young, your hormones are raging. All you want to do is figure out what the shadowy figure following you through mirrors is saying.
My nephew crying because I “stole” one of “his” cheese curds that I bought / Scraping claws as a monster that has haunted me since birth moves closer
Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said, “If this is some sort of prank call, it’s not funny. I’m a busy doctor helping patients with real problems.”
I had been changed into the hideous Mister Jekyll. That’s right... I WAS NO LONGER A DOCTOR!!!
I’m sorry you have broader personal or political issues you haven’t resolved, but those have nothing to do with the ways I’ve been killing you guys.
A woman realizes she’s in love with her best friend and vows to stop his wedding by any means necessary.
- That cut is going to get infected - Fuel leak recall from a car I don’t own
★★★ Watched on the toilet. Very meta experience. Would recommend.
People are buying your data. What people? Well, maybe not people in general, but definitely the hideous creature you created.