Roommates was a series of short movies I made during freshman year with my roommate Gary. Taking a ridiculous look at what it's like living with another person, they were spontaneous shorts filmed usually no earlier than 3AM.

After freshman year, however, the magic died. I had a new roommate, and just couldn't find that same enthusiasm. Besides, I was growing tired of linking grainy versions of the videos through my university webspace. I filmed one episode sophomore year, but it sat in limbo on the cutting room floor; I couldn't find the right music.

Now I'm rooming with Gary again, and ideas are already swirling. Thanks to youtube, I can finally share these videos, and plan on posting the entire “First Season” on this blog. But right now i'm presenting the aformentioned LOST EPISODE of Roommates: Dishes.

You won't notice this until I post the others, but this episode is rare in that it features Sam and not Gary. This episode might be the best Roommates yet.

