All men, I believe, are inherent gamblers. I am no different. I like thinking about stuff in terms of odds.

Court recently added newcomers Stacie Hays, E. Mike Tuckerson and Chad Chamley to our blog community. Hell, even PIC legend Justin Rebello is in the mix now.

So I’ve been thinking long and hard for the last several minutes about what kind of odds that Vegas would put on the future of this blog community. Here they are.

Odds of Stacie Hays giving a blow job to at least one PIC writer: 1/7. Court has the best odds due to proximity and the fact that he’s the boss: 1/1. I’m probably around 1/4. Mikey’s last at 1/12. And everyone else is 1/10.

E. Mike Tuckerson is from the South and is a minority. Days until Tuckerson and Rebello (whose column constantly makes light of minorities and southerners) form some kind of Tupac/Biggie feud: 47

Odds of Beech posting ten times in a month: 1/23.

Odds of Mikey going three blog entries without getting all introspective: 1/47.

Odds of me going one week without mentioning sex or sports: 1/147.

Days until Chad Chamley writes an entry that mentions using alcohol to stay warm: 90.

Days until Stacie finally has sex and writes about it: 11.

Number of times Rebello will piss off minorities, gays and southerners over the course of the next twelve months: 1,124.

Odds of me posting a digital picture of a girl giving me head: 1/11 (I’m still mulling this one over, guys).

Odds of Court ordering me to remove said picture after posting: 11/1.

So there you go blog fans. Place your bets.

