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The Silverman Household > Community Event: Taco Night

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom

Weekly Taco Night will again be held this Thursday after last week’s failed attempt at Thai Thursday. I don’t know what I did wrong, but now that we’ve fully recovered I think we can all look forward to crunchy shells, iceberg lettuce, and delicious spiced taco meat.

Attendance is mandatory. Can’t wait to see you all!


Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
Not that anybody cares, but I will no longer be attending meals that serve animals or animal byproducts as food. And just so you know, eating that sort of thing is actually really bad for you and the environment. I don’t even see why I have to eat with you guys period. Amanda, at school yesterday, said that her family never makes her eat with them.

Jimmy Silverman — Jimmy’s Room
Was anybody in my room the other night? I heard strange noises coming from my closet and it smelled like bad eggs.

Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
It was probably your own piss soaked blankets you turd.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Jimmy, this is the taco night thread. Please start a new thread if you would like to talk about potential bed wetting issues.

Tina, Thursday night is Taco Night. There will be sour cream and taco meat. You don’t have to eat anything you don’t want, but attendance is mandatory. That includes you. And please don’t call your brother a turd.

Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
This is bullshit.

Jimmy Silverman — Jimmy’s Room
That happened like one time! This is different.

I’ve seen something coming out of the closet the last few nights. When I get under my blankets (not because I’m hiding, but for completely unrelated reasons) it feels like somebody is lurking over me.

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Tina, not ok language and don’t antagonize your brother.

Jimmy, it was just a nightmare. If you wet the bed again it’s not a big deal.

Bill, maybe we could have veggie tacos this Thursday? I think Tina would really appreciate it if you showed that you were sympathetic to her causes.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Give up meat? Are you kidding me, Linda? That’s insane. You literally sound insane. Give up meat? Really? That’s your solution? Insane.

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Bill, it’s for one night.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Fine, but there will still be sour cream.

Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
Sour cream is like just as bad. Do you know what they do to those cows? It’s slave labor. I won’t be a part of a family that won’t show another creature respect for even one night.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Well it’s one or the other Tina, I can’t do both.

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Bill it’s for one night. Can we just talk about this in the kitchen?

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
What? No! I’m paying $50 a month to be a part of this beta, and we’re going to use it to its fullest.

Fine! No sour cream and no meat! What do I care? It’s just something that brings me joy after a hard day of working to put food on the table.

Jimmy Silverman — Jimmy’s Room
Could we put a lock on my closet please?

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Jimmy please create a new thread for separate topics, I don’t want to have to ban you.

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Bill, I make more than you. Much more. If anyone is putting food on the table it’s me.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
We can discuss this in the kitchen, Linda!

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Oh, now you want to talk about it in the Kitchen? What about that $50 we’re spending on this beta?
Is this why you were asking me for money the other day?

Jimmy Silverman — Jimmy’s Room
You guys, I’m really scared. Can we please put a lock on the closet door? I don’t feel safe anymore.

Nimod: Bringer of Hellfire, Taker of Souls — Jimmy’s Closet
This is the fourth time Jimmy has broken board rules. I personally find all this silly talk of locks and unnecessary barriers upsetting. I’m all for second chances, but four times in the same thread? He’s obviously shitposting. I move that he be banned.

Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
I second Nimod’s motion.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Seconded? I guess we’ll move to a vote then. Linda?

Jimmy Silverman — Jimmy’s Room
What?! You guys, he’s going to feed on my life force and take my soul as a trophy.

Nimod: Bringer of Hellfire, Taker of Souls — Jimmy’s Closet
And now it’s five times he’s tried to derail the thread.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
He’s right Jimmy. You’re only digging yourself a deeper hole here.

Jimmy Silverman — Jimmy’s Room
Mom, please!

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Honey, I’m sorry, but five times? I’m going to have to vote to ban you.

Jimmy Silverman — Jimmy’s Room
That’s not what this is about mom! It’s a Demon and you’re taking it’s fucking side!

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
And with that language you get a final yes vote on the ban. I’m sorry Jimmy, but we warned you.


Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
That was really sweet of you to not permaban him, Bill.

Nimod: Bringer of Hellfire, Taker of Souls — Jimmy’s Closet
See that? That right there? Now I don’t mean to butt into your affairs, but I’ve been in Jimmy’s closet for a while now and it seems to me that this family is often lacking in that sort of recognition and communication. It’s obvious to me that you all love each other, but that love is sometimes lost in translation.

Tina, do you still respect your father, even if he isn’t the bread winner of the family?

Linda, do you see Bill as any less of a man just because he makes less money than you?

Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
Of course I still respect him. I don’t care about anything like that.

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
He’s not any less of a man. That would be silly. It’s just money.

Nimod: Bringer of Hellfire, Taker of Souls — Jimmy’s Closet
See that, Bill? Your family loves you. Linda doesn’t need a bread winner and Tina doesn’t need a task master. You don’t have to “prove” your masculinity by putting your foot down.

Now, about this taco night business. Bill, you know that you’ll love your daughter no matter what, but sometimes she needs to know that. Maybe she makes a life choice and needs to know that you still support her, even if it seems silly to you.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Tina… I guess we can have vegan tacos for one Thursday.

Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
Every Thursday.

Nimod: Bringer of Hellfire, Taker of Souls — Jimmy’s Closet

Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
Fine, one Thursday… Thanks dad.

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Well I don’t know about you guys, but I am exhausted. How about we all meet in the living room for some popcorn and a family movie?

Nimod: Bringer of Hellfire, Taker of Souls — Jimmy’s Closet
Linda, I think that’s a great idea. You all have fun.

Tina Silverman — Tina’s Room
You’re not coming Nimod?

Nimod: Bringer of Hellfire, Taker of Souls — Jimmy’s Closet
No, I’m getting a bit peckish. I think I’m going to check in on Jimmy. You all go ahead though. Jimmy won’t be feeling up to a movie tonight.

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Poor thing, I’m sure he’s just so ashamed.

William “Dad” Silverman — Master Bedroom
Well I think he could use some time to himself after the way he acted tonight.

Linda “Mom” Silverman — Master Bedroom
You’re probably right.

Hey Nimod, thanks for everything.

Nimod: Bringer of Hellfire, Taker of Souls — Jimmy’s Closet
Don’t mention it.

