Are You Playing a Board Game or Bored in a Meeting?
Someone in the room is acting as a leader, and no one is having it
Someone in the room is acting as a leader, and no one is having it
And if you find any let me know. Maybe write down anything you do find and make a note of where it was. Try to be thorough though.
Yeah, low-stakes mingling is fun, but getting to explain the rules of rummy to a captive audience makes me feel alive.
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Whoever wins announces total dominion over all of humanity and also, they get to go first the next round.
Did you know that exactly 12.5% of the characters are frowning? Or that 20.8% have rosy cheeks? I did.
How about we all start acting like adults and take this seriously? Does your heart not beat for your nation (green)?
Players assume the role of tired wizards and cast spells, and summon creatures to do their bidding and help fold laundry.
Iron Maiden’s Trivial Pursuit: All questions pertain to the band’s twelve-minute songs which sum up a book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t.
I’ve made a few enemies along the way, as evidenced by the group chat telling me not to bring my “musty ass around game night anymore.”
The Gig options are: package deliverer, meal deliverer, startup online pharmacy deliverer, driver, and graphic designer (Masters’ Degree preferred).
You became very well-acquainted with someone known as the Tiger King.