1. It is pink and tender to the touch.

2. I have given it a nickname.

3. It is painful and engorged.

4. I was obsessed with it during puberty but more or less have it figured it out now.

5. It is covered up for 90% of the day but feels weirdly nice to air out when I get home.

6. I have an instinctual urge to pop it, but I mustn't.

7. I only feel comfortable with certain people seeing it.

8. It always demands your attention when you're already running late.

9. Most advice will tell you to treat it aggressively, but gentleness is actually key.

10. It's most satisfying to touch alone at 3 am.

11. After three glasses of wine, I ordered something with four stars off Amazon to help me take care of it properly.

12. The internet has popularized content about beating it.

13. I think Barbies should have it.

14. I was too embarrassed to talk to my mom about it.

15. My first boyfriend struggled with it and I could tell.

16. I have considered seeing a doctor about it but ultimately figured it out via the internet.

17. Long hot showers feel good on it but are actually bad for it.

18. I can take care of it myself with a little time and elbow grease.

19. I've been focusing on it to distract myself from the news.

My zit: 1-19
My clit: 1-19