Unfortunately, my car died in a tragic collision last Friday. I wrote about it as part of the “Day in the Life of” series. Most everything that happened is covered in the piece, except of, what happened the Tuesday after.

There's a grieving process when you lose a loved one. My car was an important part of my life, in some respects, comparable to a wife or girlfriend. She got me to where I needed to go, she never said “no,” she never got mad when I drove other cars….well, maybe my car was more like the ideal wife or girlfriend. Either way, I was depressed to see Anastasia (the car) leave me.

Fortunately, I was able to have one last farewell squeezed in before Anastasia was shipped off to the junkyard. On Tuesday, I went to the towing company's lot to collect any valuables and paperwork I'd left in the car after the accident.

It was a real tear-jerker. Instead of words, allow me to use pictures to express my grief as I paid my final respects and said farewell to Anastasia.

Here I am, on the left, removing the license plates with my bare hands. The manly way.

Two things: the photographer of these two pictures sucks at getting things into frame, and that truck in the background wasn't the “other” vehicle.

Here we can see the gay pink airbags that saved my pretty face from disfigurement.

The windshield didn't fare as well as my face.

I wanted my CD player (there was still a CD inside), so I took my screwdriver and ripped it out. What remained was a hollow husk of wires and happy memories.

At the end of my visit, I was very sad.

P.S. The red neon lights and custom sound system I installed pre-wreck were not recovered. Shame, too. Those were total babe-magnets.

