As a “Short King” Please Understand I Am Duty Bound to the Magna Carta
Con: Quite frequently we will have leave during movie night to oversee the search for knights and an exorcist.
Con: Quite frequently we will have leave during movie night to oversee the search for knights and an exorcist.
Now now, no need to be polite or offer to kiss my golden socks at all. I don’t like sycophants.
We’re living in a day and age where kids think they can trash talk a member of the Royal Family on Fortnite.
The Palace suspects madness, black magic, or a bout of Royal amnesia, as His Majesty no longer seems acquainted with his Anglican upbringing.
- Many movies have been made about their lives - Chosen members of the family get special swords
We will have an authentic Old Crone sitting in the back of your wedding venue, looking out of place and muttering curses under her breath.
A quiet night in with 60 or more Roman Senators – Don't overthink it! If she's a down-to-earth type, this all she wants on March 15.
You were so busy pretending to be a British royal, you didn't even notice that your wife and kids left you and that she changed the Netflix password on her way out.
Baby's First Oil Field Science Kit – Rebuild a scale model of the oil fields owned by great-great-grandpa Thurston Moneybags III!
Long Live Supreme Leader Aegeus! May your light forever shine over your kingdom that is this fifth-floor walk up!
It is true that I carry a mobile phone, which I use to stay in touch with my grandchildren. It is not true that I use it to play Candy Crush.
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