The Dollar Bill on the Wall of This Pizza Shop Is Sick of Being Out of Circulation
It might look like I have a pretty good gig, but don’t you think this is kind of fucked up?
It might look like I have a pretty good gig, but don’t you think this is kind of fucked up?
Car to driveway. Food to house. Hour to hour. Day to day. Week to week. Month to month. Smell to food. Food to dumpster and so on.
You can’t move your arms as much as you’d like.
If you ate all that, we’re astonished you are alive to read this notice. Your arteries must be as hard as bricks.
When it’s clear the patron isn’t saying “when” anytime soon and your mind starts to wander.
Posting signage around the restaurant that says, “We Pinky Promise We Washed Our Hands Before Returning To Work,” is not comforting.
If you’re used to other eateries in the area, you might be surprised by the cold, but we didn’t mind cuddling up.
Eastsiders recommend the taco place with a questionable sanitation rating but amazing salsas. Westsiders recommend, “I guess, Sugarfish again?”
Think of all the times you said, "I wish I could provide for my family by working somewhere that played realistic thunderstorm sound effects every 17 minutes."
A Phone Charger: “Nourish thine phone and ye shall nourish thine soul.” Neitzsche said that.
At this annoying cafe every day is your birthday. Imagine singing waiters serving every course to the tune of “Happy Birthday” at full volume.
When you request to have the meat removed, they’ll still charge you full price so at least your bank account feels like you’re eating a real meal.