An Alphabet Antecedent, A arrived along an aurum autobund across arctic Alaska. “Advanced” America did not appreciate an A ardently as the astronauts from Auschwitz. No, as an African American, A arrogated, asking Ashley and Amber for awful aid. Both acquisced, accepting and allowing A's attempt at applying for American autonomy. An aroused ape, A awkwardly approached Amanda(Amber's acquaintance) after the application was autocaded. Anticipating assault, Amanda allegedly advanced to the attic, as A—that aforementioned asshole—attempted to accompany her ala agility, astuteness, and awareness.

As Amanda acted, A assimilated an ashen anchor around Amanda's ax-wound. All were fucking angry and attacked A for his ambition.


(Abashed Ahab! Ashamed, I am of this article!)