I assume it's fitting that I attended a 3 hour comedy show last night in my first 4 hours in NYC. We saw about 8 different comics perform stand-up sets at the Comedy Cellar–all for free with this email pass. Most of them had previously performed on Comedy Central, amongst other late night talk shows and bullshit resume builders. I'd venture to say 5 out of 8 of the comics were good, and Dave Attell took the cake for my favorite of the night…surprisingly only by a slim margin though. I love how he parses in the most random observations between his main ramblings, and then somehow manages to tie everything together at some point. Or at least just enough so you wonder if he was improving or not. His best stuff came when he threw out one-liner replies to questions and conversations he had with the crowd–obviously the reason he does so well on Insomniac. And just so you're sorta jealous: I got to dap him up after the set.

The only personal attention given to me during the show: the last comic, an overly energetic black guy, referring to me as the guy who “probably jerks off to Dave Matthews.” I guess it could have been worse. I mean, what about that intimate moment I shared with Clay Aiken in my mind over “Celine Dion Live in Las Vegas”?

So what else is up so far here?

My appetite for one. I swear I walk so much I get hungry 30 minutes after finishing any meal. Good thing the restaurant/vendor to person ratio is like 3:1.

By the looks of New Yorkers, you'd think staring down the subway tunnel with intense anticipation makes the next train come ten times faster. Too bad it never seems to work.

There is a class of people just above the homeless that hang out in groups of 3-8. They treat each other like family and gather on benches like groups of retarded monkeys on coke. They jabber on about random street drama, economic issues, and drugs on a level of seriousness only tempered by the sub-par intelligence and socially removed factors. I can only assume they're motivation stems from being high on something, because they'll prattle on for hours about the same fucking things.

