This Article is About Nothing
"How is he going to keep my attention for 815 words?" is what I assume you’re thinking. Luckily for you, I’m just the person who can answer that question.
"How is he going to keep my attention for 815 words?" is what I assume you’re thinking. Luckily for you, I’m just the person who can answer that question.
Those little yellow stickies are the only place you can trust for good news. Well I mean “good” like “real,” because sometimes the news, it isn't so good.
Only those with great strength [1], wit [2], and magick [3] will navigate these footnotes [4] successfully. Can you find safe passage to the Citadel of Footnotes [5]?
Many Americans are skeptical of the amount of counterthinking going into fighting the War on Thoughts. #ThoughtWar2017 is occurring on a global level.
A private glimpse into that blissful first year of marriage to Donald J. Trump. Ah, newlyweds.
What Michelle needs to realize is that I’m not here to waste my time. But until she texts back, that's exactly what I'll be doing.
Starting a band takes a lot of time, practice, and self-loathing. You truly need to hate yourself to get into the state of mind necessary for writing profound, echoing lyrics.
Many major magazines outlines writer's guidelines of what to send, when they should really be telling you what NOT to send.
KC: Can everyone shut up for a second? I'm trying to think about good ideas. HEART: If we just believe in ourselves, the art of writing will come.
We at the NYT are thrilled to provide a forum for Our Lord to share His divine wisdom, advice and insight into the people and events that have shaped history.
If we accept imperfection in music and movies, then why not in literature? Do actors start over a play if they miss a line?
BRAIN: People who enjoy dick and fart jokes have ADHD and make goldfish's memories seem photographic. Face it, no one remembers you.