First Post-Pandemic Faculty Meeting Bingo
- Anecdote about resilience of human spirit - Science faculty smug whenever vaccine is mentioned
- Anecdote about resilience of human spirit - Science faculty smug whenever vaccine is mentioned
Dad: The town’s richest family used to own that. Now, everyone goes to Wally-Mart... Me: You have like, 17 pants from Walmart.
It was never clear what subject he was supposed to be teaching, since on our schedules it was spelled in mysterious runes that burned your eyes.
Congrats on your new academic article, though I should really be congratulating myself because the version of your I wrote in my head is much better.
All My Fucks graduated from Shame University in 1998 with high honors.
Your next tweet will go viral, attracting the attention of your biggest celebrity crush and leading to a passionate affair. (1 in 40.3 billion)
With each passing day, her resolve grows weaker. She begins to wonder if the girl above will once again leave her in peace.
A gap year will help to make me the man I want to be. Unless you are planning to hire me, in which case: STOP READING. GIVE ME THE JOB.
The reality is that most of us haven’t been skydiving, invented a new technology, gotten bit by a shark, or know how to tap dance.
Seeing as though you sent in your application approximately 56 seconds after we sent out the form, you were a little too late.
If you need big words to have fun, or are using five or six big words before breakfast, then you might have a problem.
De Beauvoir and Goethe for the cottagecore lesbian desperately in love with her best friend. Byron and Žižek for the pervert with a heart of gold.