I’ve always enjoyed reading advice columns. From Ann Landers to Miss Manners to Jimmy the Bartender. It’s funny since I give very bad advice to people and receive very good advice from people but don’t listen to it.

On a whim I e-mailed Dan Savage, writer of Savage Love, a sex advice column in “alternative” newspapers like the Village Voice. Check it out, you’re sure to learn something and possibly be thoroughly grossed out.

Granted, my e-mail was short and I don’t know if was actually Dan writing. Maybe he has interns or Savage Juniors, but I received a reply less than a day later.

For your enjoyment, I included both my original e-mail and his advice. I hope I’m not ruining a future column of his, but here goes:

kc’s boo hoo e-mail:

Here’s an ultra-vanilla one for you:

How do you deal with break-ups? It’s been about eight months and I still think of the girl that broke my heart. It doesn’t hamper my day, but sometimes she just pops up in my mind. I don’t speak to her and don’t really want to.

Tired of Her.

Savage Reply:

the cliche applies: time heals all wounds. that and fucking other people — yeah, fucking other people helps in a big way.

