Dear Nick, Drum and Darryl;

Well well well…looks like the tables have turned!

AHAHA Oh man, you guys are in HUGE TROUBLE this Monday when we get back to school. No more pushing me around…

No more spitting in my mouth!!!

Cuz I made some new friends. I'll still hang out with Todd and Jeremy but probably not as much anymore because my new group of friends are cool. Cooler then anyone at Vista Heights Public School!!!!

AHAHAH Oh man, you guys are going to get fucked!!!

Lets just say I had a weekend I will never forget. A weekend where major shit went down and while you three were probably at Ashley's lame pool party making out with yourselfs, HAHAHA, I was kicking ass on another planet!!!


Speaking of kicking ass, like I said I'll see you boys on Monday. At first you might not see me….so I suggest looking UP!!!!


