The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Leiker, Codie Glenwood, IA
Lemond, Jason
Lenzmeier, Ryan
Leonetti, Michael Philadelphia
Lepore, Marla Nashville
Lepp, Bil
LeRoux, JP Seattle
Leslie, Nathan Fairfax, VA
Lester, Ryan Toronto
Levin, John-Clark Ojai, California
Levine, Maps
Levine, Maury Birmingham, Alabama
Lewental, Adam
Lewine, Lia
Lewis, Steve South Wales
Lewis, Leigh Columbus, Oh
Lewis, Emma Cambridge, MA
Leyva, Alcy Bronx
Licht, Daniel San Rafael, CA
Lieberman, Michael Maryland
Lies, Erica
Liffengren, Jordan
Light, Allison New York, NY
Lillian, Jessica CT
Lincoln, Tilden
Lindquist, Erika New York City
Line, Geoffrey
Link, Ben
Lipp, Cassandra Portlandia
Liu, Mufeng