Letterboxd Reviews for the Accidental Livestream of My Trip to the Bathroom
★★★ Watched on the toilet. Very meta experience. Would recommend.
★★★ Watched on the toilet. Very meta experience. Would recommend.
Having never been to a mandatory restaurant before, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but Marshall-Chase-Spiderman-Sit-Down-Now was delightful!
Great ambiance—enough body hair to afford some privacy but not so much that it gets in the way of your meal.
Look, airplanes shouldn’t be constantly flying around a building in the first place.
If you’re used to other eateries in the area, you might be surprised by the cold, but we didn’t mind cuddling up.
The hostess had my children help her out in the kitchen this morning, chopping vegetables and stirring a great big soup pot.
The reality: You wouldn’t guess that gasoline is more precious than blood in the Southern Wastes with how long these rats were on that engine block.
NAME: Sisyphus DEPARTMENT: Underworld; Futile Labor/Endless Toil and Frustration POSITION: Boulder Administrator/Rock Coordinator
I'm giving three stars because I kind of want to worship the orb, but not every day, only on important orb holidays.
I run this blog with the same passion that I put into competing in semi-annual regional painting competitions hosted by local newspapers.
I would have given zero stars if I could! It’s really amazing what’s “not an option” up here.
“With monotonous passages that seem to drone on and on, it felt at a certain point like the author himself had switched to auto-pilot.”