(KC and the Dragon Tattoo) 

The following is a sample of a Skype session with my Mom and me.

MOM: What's with your face?
KC: I'm growing a beard.
MOM: Speaking of, since I probably won't have grandchildren for a while, I'm thinking of getting a dog. I want something to feed and take care of.
KC: Wow. That hurts on so many levels. How come you never let us have dogs when we lived at home?
MOM: I don't know. You had a turtle. That was good, right?
KC: A sucky substitute.
MOM: How's work?
KC: It's good. I'm at school a lot more now. New guys, new students, new classes, new stupid schtuff.

MOM: Did you read any of those books Aunt Nancy gave you for Christmas?
KC: I started reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
MOM: Oh, it's amazing.
KC: That's what everybody keeps telling me. I haven't popped a bo— I mean, I haven't really gotten that into it yet. I think it's kind of boring.
MOM: Where are you?
KC: About page 100 or so.
MOM: Oh, keep reading. I specifically remember it gets really good around page 100 or so.
KC: Okay.
MOM: You have the paperback?
KC: Yeah.
MOM: Oh nevermind, it's the same exact copy I read.
KC: Neat.
MOM: Blah blabbity blah.
KC: Blah blah blah.

The conversation ends. I sit up at night and read past "page 100 or so." In that specific area, there was a violent girl assfucking a dude scene.

I don't even want to think of what my Mom thought, thinks, or anything. As far as any of this goes, it never happened and my Mom has never, nor will ever read this book or discuss it with me. She probably thinks it was just another Tom Clancy novel. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Anywho, we're never reading the same book ever again. 

