…I can hardly breathe.

No, that would be the opening to an angst-ridden high school sophomore's 1AM LiveJournal entry. (Thanks for handling those guys Linkin Park, you've spared many the trouble.)

No, I have a physical numbness. Specifically, a 3 inch x 3 inch section of my skin from the bottom of my right kneecap down. It's as if I've been given a local anesthetic that won't wear off.

You know how when you have a sore throat and you break down and spray that god awful Chloreseptic in your mouth, and then wish you hadn't because your tongue is numb for hours? That's how this area below my knee has felt for three DAYS. The weird thing is, I have no idea how this could have happened. No injuries, drunken mystery bruising, shin fights, sicknesses, spider attacks, lower-knee performance enhancers…nothing.

I'm giving it another two days before I go to a therapist and casually explain that my knee and I have drifted apart recently and would like to work on saving our relationship.

Until then, I guess I'll take up a position that's traditionally hard on the knees and work mega overtime. Anyone have any suggestions? (This should be good.)

