The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Klein, Hunter
Klein, Frances
Klein, Elana New Orleans, LA
Klein, James Culver City
Kissing, Steve Cincinnati
Kissam, Ben Brooklyn, NY
Kinsey, Noah Los Angeles
Kingsbury, Megan New York
King Peters, Alissa Modesto
King, Robert Boone, NC
King, Bart Oregon
King, Kirsten
King, Sophia
Kimelman, Sam Austin
Kim, Ben X. Brooklyn, NY
Kim, Jennifer Los Angeles
Kim, Nicole
Kilodney, Crad Toronto, Ontario
Killeen, James London
Kilcommons, Kevin Queens, NY
Kidd, Angela
Khan, Fareeha Brooklyn, NY
Kessler, Molly Chicago
Kerwien, Max Los Angeles
Keough, Ryan Meriden, CT
Kenyon, Jake
Kensil, Meagan New York
Kennedy, Matt Chicago
Kennedy, Andria Portsmouth, Virginia
Kelly, Peter