How I Killed Off My Ex-Wife and Other Far-Flung Misadventures
By John Wood
A collection of true stories that takes the reader around the world to document a lifetime of foolish decisions, embarrassing behavior, horrifying predicaments, and really, really bad luck, from disrobing for Playgirl to rescuing a hostage at James Bond Fantasy Camp.
Product Description
In the tradition of George Plimpton’s Out of My League and P.J. O’Rourke’s Holidays in Hell, participatory journalist Wood takes the reader around the world to document a lifetime of foolish decisions, embarrassing behavior, horrifying predicaments, and really, really bad luck. From disrobing for Playgirl to rescuing a hostage at James Bond Fantasy Camp. From getting the dung scared out of him on a Tanzanian safari to being detained as a spy in Havana. From stressing out on The Dating Game to snuffing his ex in Vietnam.
How I Killed Off My Ex-Wife is a collection of true stories that may cause the reader to wonder: No way this many dumb, outrageous, impossible things could have happened. Not to one person. Not in one lifetime. Not without extraordinarily poor judgment, unusually bad karma, or being dared lots and lots of times.
Most readers have had crazy experiences in their life. What separates them from Wood is that most people have good reputations to protect, possess reasonable judgment, and have the good sense not to publish their stories and confirm what ninnies they really are.
About the Author
John Wood on Points in Case – John Wood is an author, writer, and former magazine editor based in Los Angeles. Born in 1948, he grew up in Pasadena, California. Since 2001 he has sold travel and humor pieces to such publications as National Geographic Traveler, Islands, Expedia Travels, Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Newsday, and the lead piece in Not So Funny When It Happened: The Best of Travel Humor and Misadventure (Travelers' Tales). He also wrote two Kindle ebooks in 2014.
Editorial Reviews
RED RIBBON WINNER, 2015 Wishing Shelf Book Awards
Wishing Shelf Book Awards judges' comments:
“Hilarious stuff! Well written with lots of pace.”
“Very funny and very entertaining.”
“A very fun read.”
“John Wood is a very funny writer. I liked how it was divided up into different sorts of Trouble.”
“This book would be perfect next to the bed; a chapter a night to cheer you up before you go to sleep.”
Reader Reviews
“A wry, witty, collection of short stories based on real-life experiences. In each story John Wood describes one of his own misadventures. Even in the most unpleasant ones he tries to find the funny side of things. The stories are entertaining, full of insightful observations and exceptionally well-written. The writing flows smoothly and is sharp and engaging. Once you start reading the book, it’s hard to put it down.”
-J.A. Kalis
“Very good collection of short stories describing calamitous incidents when the author finds himself in different parts of the world, as well as stories of observation about the strangeness of life. Skilled writing – clear, sharp and nothing ever goes on for too long. Very entertaining. A pity there aren't more books around that are similarly witty and full of David Sedaris-type observation.”
-Anthony Stancomb
More Book Details
- Print Length: 193 pages
- Publisher: John Wood; 1 edition (September 12, 2014)
- Publication Date: September 12, 2014
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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