A few days ago, in a music class, we listened to about 5-7 minutes of some piece and were assigned to write based on what we heard. For whatever reason, my freewriting came out in verse. Anyway, it's rough, and I'm not going to edit it, but I thought it was mildly interesting:
The trumpets they trumped, the speakers they spoke!
The naked donned armor and helmet and cloak!
They called on their best, smartest and brightest.
They called on their meanest, most vicious and fight-ist.
They called for a day, then two, then four.
Then, for good measure, they called for more.
They called for their givers, called twice for their takers,
Raked up their sweepers, and swept up their rakers!
They shrewd among them, the Huck Finns and Sawyers,
Shrewder still, they called on the lawyers
Everybody was needed, fair was fair
So they called until everybody was there.
The crowed rustled and bustled, spoke and squawked
They tustled and muscled and demanded to talk!
“We were in the shower! All soapy and lathered!
Why so suddenly have we all been gathered?
We're tired and sleepy, it's too early for this!”
They gestured to watches, hanging from wrists.
“I know you want answers!” the gatherers yelled
“And in due time, you all will be telled!”
“ANSWERS” they cried “don't stutter or stammer”
“P.S. (Condescendingly) ‘telled' is poor grammar.”
“Sheesh” the leaders sighed “it's just some words”
“How can we win this battle on the side of you nerds?”
“Nerds?” the crowd cried with audible rattle,
“We're not…fuck, did you just say battle???”
“It's true”, the leaders sheepishly said.
“In fact, some of you are already dead.”
They called on the guard and brought down the hammer!
But both had been lost in the discussion of grammar.
So here's my advice, a final piece
War is hell, stay please (!) at peace
But honestly, if you're about to be felled.
Ain't much of a difference between “told” and “telled”.
Labels: Battle, Light verse