Read the questions, answer them creatively as comments. Put some thought into your answers. Or just make up random shit.

1. I've been devouring a crop of grapefruits almost every day for a few years. I don't put anything on them. I peel them like an orange and eat them. I didn't think that was weird, but other people seem to think so. For the life of me, I can't understand why people eat beets. It's an Australian thing? A Jewish thing? They have the texture of canned cranberries and the taste of…well. I don't know. Iodine? Who eats that? Do you have a weird food hate or fetish?

2. With shame, I subscribe to Details magazine, which tells me I'm an immature asshole because I don't make a lot of money, wear T-shirts and say the word "Dude" on occasion. Which rules to being a "grown up" (hefty bank account, wife, house, kids, etc.) do you think are totally bullshit?

3. I am partial to girls with Midwestern, Russian and sometimes British accents. Honestly, I generally can't stand New Yorkers' and some Californian accents. What are your sexiest and least sexy accents?

