The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Michaels, Tim Idaho
Sullivan, Tim Knowlton, NJ
Foley, Tim
Eberle, Tim Brooklyn, NY
Gregg, Tim Friendswood, TX
Janovsky, Tim
Lamela, Tim
Smith, Tim Chicago
Platt, Tim
Kearley, Tim Baltimore
Daly, Tim
Kochenderfer, Tim Detroit
Lincoln, Tilden
Appleton, Tiffany
Babb, Tiffany Los Angeles, CA
Maye, Tianna
Sullivan, Thomas
Batten, Thomas
Eggleston, Thomas Binghamton
Whittington, Thomas
Man, The Winnipeg
Jensen, Thatcher Minneapolis
Miller, Thais
Heyman, Terry West Chester, PA
Douglas, Teresa Vancouver BC
Bell, Terena Elizabeth
Ambassador, Tequila Asia Pacific
Joshi, Tejas Chicago
Lars, Teenie Philadelphia
McCarthy, Ted