The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Marcher, John West Rockport, Maine
Gillespie, John Everywhere
Garry, John Manhattan
Wood, John Los Angeles
Crawford, John
Poglinco, John Montclair, NJ
Clayton, John a small town in Montana
Murray, John Brooklyn
Lazarus, John Suzhou, China
Phipps, John
Guaspari, John
Roussos, John San Diego
Popielaski, John Portland
Hewitt, John Northern California
Sandbach, John Kihei
Rose, Joel
Kane, Joel New York
Kwartler, Joel
Zimmerman, Joe Charlotte, NC
Gillard, Joe Port Townsend
Cabello, Joe Sunnyvale
Kuperschmidt, Joe New Haven, CT
Kelly, Joe Chicago
Scott, Joe Seattle
Weisberger, Joe
Hegarty, Joe
McAvoy, Joe
Wellman, Joe
Thomson, Joe
Murphy, Joe Sydney, Australia