Dear Readers,

I feel the need to apologize to you. I was not funny in the last post (some of you could argue that I was never really humorous, but what’s the point in that*?). It is the curse of being female; you lose all sight of other people’s priorities when in argument. As a chick, I can not admit I’m wrong, ever. I’ll admit other people are right, but I refuse to be wrong (in matters of opinion).

I’m sorry I acted all girly in the truest sense of the word. Everyone knows that females can’t stand to be wrong, but that’s no excuse. It is my job, no, my duty to be entertaining. If I’m not being entertaining, then I have failed as a blogger. Tear.

I’ll try to explain myself (and the rest of the female race). Female logic often causes one to lose sight of what really matters. We use our female logic to win arguments because it’s unbeatable. The only reason it’s unbeatable is because no one understands it, not even the girls who use it (as in me). It’s one of the few gifts we got to balance out having to bear, birth, and raise children. God gave us the ability to have children. Then He realized that it was just the suckiest gift ever, so He gave us our own logic, orgasms, and pain killers. Go Midol.

I’m trying to be truthful, but the truth isn’t what anyone wants to hear.

I hope you can forgive me,

P.S. I sorry to you too, Anonymous. I should not be rude to anyone who takes the time to leave a comment.

*A little know fact is that Court let me be on staff just because I can cook. That’s it. Deep down, he’s hoping that some of the staff will hook-up and make little PIC babies. And maybe, just maybe, one of them could be funny enough to be called lil’ Rebello, regardless of the father. Cooking skills means that lil’ Rebello can eat. Cooking skills also means I get invited to the ego-stroking orgies they call “parties” (as a caterer). Roofies, anyone?

