The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Beck, Jeff East Lansing MI / Farmington CT
Forest, Mike East Lansing, MI
Piskothy, Lauren Edinburgh, Scotland
Bradley, Gavin Edmonton
DeWall, Nichole Edwardsville, Illinois
Beam, Gregory El Paso, Texas
Bellinger, Mike England
Arenson, Jourdan Eugene, OR
Kairis, Gracie Eugene, OR
Kaplan, Seth Evanston, IL USA
Gillespie, John Everywhere
Poole, Ellie Fairfax, VA
Leslie, Nathan Fairfax, VA
Binder, Kevin Fairfax, Virginia
Rooney, Rob Fairfield, CT
Stanley, Martin Fayetteville, GA
Tewell, Jordan Fishers, IN
McDermott, Kevin Frederick, MD
Allan, Kasadee Fredericton
Gregg, Tim Friendswood, TX
Sponaas, Scott Fruitport, Michigan
Perhach, Paulette Gainesville
Richardson, Andrew Gaithersburg, Maryland
Able, Pete Galloway, NJ
Urn, Lea GenericBeachTown, New Jersey
Johnstone, Iain Glasgow, Scotland
Yocco, Victor Glenside, PA
Thiele, Matthew Glenville
Leiker, Codie Glenwood, IA
Chard, Matthew Gold Coast Australia