Getting to Know Your Middle School Student Government Candidates
Harrison has devoted the majority of his campaign to securing a beach-themed winter dance, prompted by his older brother's copy of Girls Gone Wild.
Daniel Stillman is a copywriter and humor writer in Chicago, Illinois. Stillman has studied satire with The Second City and is a contributor to Flexx Mag and Robot Butt.
Harrison has devoted the majority of his campaign to securing a beach-themed winter dance, prompted by his older brother's copy of Girls Gone Wild.
For four years we've turned a blind eye to the despicable actions Trump has taken. It's time we focus the discussion squarely on him for once.
Let’s band together like the professional basketball players and astronauts we want to be and save the world. Listen up, I got a game plan here.
Donald Duck will wear a mask, but still no pants. / All t-shirts reading “I Survived The Tower of Terror!” have been reprinted to read “I Survived!”
Things are changing in our country. But one thing that remains constant, however, is the Buzz Lightyear action figure stuck up my anus.
Facebook was started so I could have a way to stroke my wires to pics of humanoid-looking girls way out of my league—but don't tell Congress that!