This post is brought to by Citizen -X-, a wonderful writer, reader, and grapher of conceit.

There once was a girl (boy? hermaphrodite?) named Lisa, who thought that this post made me sound more conceited than Gaudio (LIES!). Upon hearing such (bogus) heartfelt claims, I felt it would be wise if I had a chart depicting where I stood on the PIC levels of arrogance. I mean, after all, I’m just moderately attractive girl with glasses who is a little bitchy, not a guy who wrote an entire article on his penis.

A very humorous fellow who goes by the name “-X-“ decided to enlighten me on my arrogance levels compared to two Points in Case staples; Nick Gaudio and Nathan DeGraaf. To make things easier on you all, the only thing I have done to the following charts is add names. I did think about scaling them down so that they would fit on the post, but I didn’t want to ruin the magic for you. All the pictures can be seen through the link attached to each sentence or fragment after the chart’s name.

Chart #1: Conceit of Lit.
We have to start out with the conceit of literary talent because it just makes sense. We are comparing the arrogance of writers for Christ’s sake, not porn stars.

This means, not matter what I do, I can’t beat that level arrogance with out a major in English.

Chart #2: Conceit of Self.
Because one could argue that no matter how conceited or up my own ass I was being about my own writing, the post in question took my self-esteem or “inner-confidence” into the spotlight.

Apparently Nate is training to be Ninja, and I am not slut or whore. Nick’s inner confidence is only that low because he’s so angsty.

Chart #3: Conceit of a Sexual Nature
Because we all know how much want to bang writers of a comedic stance.

I got a star in sex, woohoo! (Yes, I do know who Faerber is. He is only the hairiest man I have ever seen.)

Chart #4: Conceit of Penis Size.
…well… um… yah.

…I guess Nate has the um… healthiest and most realistic outlook on his size than the rest of us. Glad I was included that.

There really was no point to this post except to show the female population that sometimes, when you actually admit to what you want, you get it. See? I can be a positive role model.


P.S. The fourth chart is a really great background if you don't want anyone else messing with your computer.

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