Harry Potter is a Figment of Your Imagination
Kanye West, who has never read Harry Potter, seen the movies, or known the general plot of the series, has declared that Harry Potter might not be real. Agreed, I guess.
Kanye West, who has never read Harry Potter, seen the movies, or known the general plot of the series, has declared that Harry Potter might not be real. Agreed, I guess.
We all know that the DVD copy of Animal House that you brought to college was given to you as a present by your younger sister the day before you left.
The world knows George, John, Ringo, Paul, and the apparent nine "5th Beatles." Well I am Henry J. Bradleighman of Bangladesh, the mysterious "6th Beatle."
If anyone plays the song "Come Get it Bae" by Pharrell, feel free to finish a beer, finish another, and then take a shot of vodka. Now you're really cookin!!
We stay at a hotel on the outskirts of Tokyo. Carolyn complains about the meerkat infestation because they're not indigenous to this part of Tokyo. Oh Carolyn.