Here's a piece of real life—in short story form—you.

SCENE: A long time ago, in galaxy far, far away on a planet called "South Dakota," a young wielder of the Force named KC drank 40's with some friends named Chainsaw and Tito. Whilst standing on a couch.

KC: Right now, I think this might be the height of my coolness.

TITO: I hope for your sake, you're right.

KC: Chainsaw, you've got a car and gas. Want to take us to Taco Bell?

CHAINSAW: Hold on, I'm getting a call on my cell from somebody who ain't a total lazy douche.

KC: Look at this fancy asshole with his "cell phone."

TITO: Pussy.

CHAINSAW: Oh man. It's Trevin The Man-Whore.

KC: Uh oh.

Ugly girls from South Dakota - Team Huntress(Now is the part where I tell you about the legendary Trevin The Man-Whore. This dude, I've never met a dude like him in my life. In my small school in South Dakota, he probably fucked about 300 of the women there. And not a single hot chick. The guy's sex drive outmatched anything I've ever seen, as was his willingness to bang anything, at any time, as long as it had the semblance of ladyparts.

We'd sit in the dining hall and he'd point to girls, "Fucked her. Fucked her twice. Going to fuck her next weekend. Fucked her after three dudes just fucked her. Wouldn't fuck her unless I was drinking Jack and Cokes. Fucked her too. Fucked her, then fucked her sister, then fucked her roommate, then fucked her mom, then fucked her and her mom together.

Needless to say, this guy is a legend.)

CHAINSAW: Trevin The Man-Whore says there's a bunch of sluts down south.

TITO: This sounds like an awful idea.

KC: Which is why we absolutely have to go.

CHAINSAW: I'll get my car.

Continue to Part 2 »

