She said she was in love. I took a sip of my water. I guess we'll carry on at last. We were sitting outside of a coffee shop, the rush of traffic livening up our conversation so much so that she was basically shouting at me. It was late July in Portland, the sun shining at full blast, teasing me about hope and life and the American Dream. The wind was at my back and it made her hair dance with color against her face. I wasn't particularly listening to what she was saying, but I was nodding just to keep her at bay.

She was in the middle of a sentence when I abruptly stood up and said, "I have to go."

"Don't forget to call me later."

I mumbled something about "couldn't wait" but I think she knew that I wasn't going to come through.

Was that even Kenny G? I glanced at my hands. They were shaking and covered in sweat. I jogged up Fifth, late again, and I could already hear my boss yelling at me. Horns were honking as if to say, "Hurry hurry, little breadwinner." Oh, how I hate Portland traffic, it's like the congested seventh ring of Dante's Inferno.

I rotated through the revolving door, said hello to the receptionist and ran to the closing doors of the elevator. I didn't make it in time. Great. I hammered on the button as if it could sense urgency. You never know.

The elevator pinged open and several people pushed past me as I was trying to squeeze on. I work on the 21st floor at Canberra Pharmaceuticals. I know what you're thinking, but no, I just write the ads. Prestigious.

At any rate, this particular elevator runs slow so it was at least a full minute going up. The car was filled with lazy jazz muzak. I did not like it. Not one bit. Ba da da da da daaa bo doop bo da. I loosened my tie. Was it getting hot in there or was it just me? I casually did an owl's 180 and saw that everyone else seemed fine. Bada la la bee dupa da da. I rolled up my sleeves so fast I tore a button off my right cuff. Wonderful. Ba ba da da da!! "Would everyone just shut up about this Kenny G crap!?!?"

Oh no.

Help is on the Way elevator button
The one elevator button that never lights up.
I was the center of attention and not in the best way. The doors opened on 17 and everyone—and I mean everyone—got out. I slumped to the floor. What was all that about? Was that even Kenny G? I glanced at my hands. They were shaking and covered in sweat. Perfect. This day was just peachy keen. There was a sharp buzzing in my left pocket, jolting me. I took it out and opened it.


I still had one floor left to go. "Hey, it's me. Just checking up on you. Making sure you're not going crazy or anything." She laughed as she finished the sentence.

"Uhh, Avery, I think we should break up…"

"What!? Why!?"

"Because of Kenny G!" I snapped my phone shut. The doors opened on the 21st floor. I stepped out and was immediately distraught because I heard Kenny G lightly being played over the speakers in the ceiling.

"Ross! You're late!"

