One-liners, observations, deep thoughts, tinylists, and anecdotes. Submit a Joke

I suffer from a disease called “resting approachable face.” It’s like “resting bitch face” but instead of people thinking I’m upset, they think I’d be willing to take a picture of their family.

My uncle always said, “Don't be the hero.” So I didn't pull the fire alarm.

Ok, I understand you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but who actually wants to read a WHOLE book to judge it?

If you've ever used the word “heretofore” in conversation, you've purchased something from a haberdashery.

Prison is just the most advanced level of escape room.

Pour some out for the homies that didn't make it– Whoa, whoa. Not THAT much.

Should a corn dog be called a cold dog since it needs a jacket? Or a HOTTER dog because it HAS a jacket? Something to chew on.

I heard minimalism reduces stress, but I've been worrying myself sick since I cleared out my bank account.

Want to write haiku
Don't have any ideas
Try again later

I’m vegan which means when I go out to eat with my family I get something with tofu instead of the respect of my grandfather.

The drum: sounds' trampoline.

Sometimes people qualify time as “good”: “How long’s it take to get there?” “A good half hour.” What’s a bad half hour? Is that when you have to listen to jazz fusion?

I really need to stop spelling “Colledge” with a “D”. Looks bad on my resume.

Hack: I updated my LinkedIn headline to “Visual Storyteller” and was instantly recruited by Rooms To Go.

If sugar truly is more addictive than cocaine, then I really need to stop putting sugar in my cocaine.

They say, “Revenge is sweet.”
They also say, “Revenge is best served cold.”
So I say, “Revenge is ice cream.”

I don’t mean to get political, but I love a good party.

It’s good to look up the difference between “effect” and “affect” every now and than.

I like eating at a diner. I like when the place is named after me.

Shouldn’t the word “phonetic” be spelled “fonetic”?