Words and Phrases Banned from the U.S. Mint Staff Email Where Employees Print $38 Million a Day for $40,000 a Year
Torture, salivating, aroused. Every second, a sheet of currency worth the amount of my student loans passes me.
Torture, salivating, aroused. Every second, a sheet of currency worth the amount of my student loans passes me.
I regret that I have but one chance to offer a high five to the executioner while I’m on the gallows and then say, "Hey, don’t leave me hanging!"
’Tis not with ease’d mind that I imbibe of the Friar’s herbaceous blends, be it “Rosaline’s Unrequited Rosehip” or “Zounds! This Lemon Zingeth!”
I tried hiring dog walkers, but I was banned from all those apps because my dog became infamous for always turning up a corpse or two.
Well, I bet you all felt pretty stupid a month later when we got divorced. You all are just wrong time after time.
Did you receive Venmo payments from your ex (Handle @MattDereklol46) AFTER you broke up on July 23, 2021?
So wait, I can’t meet with you/speak to you/copulate with you without a loyalty card? Unfortunately not!
Being stuck in character as STREET PUNK #5 for almost forty years has caused me more than a bit of grief.
During my second dinner, Francis told me that we needed to “ration our food better.” I was so taken aback by this.
Patients need to smash that so my bosses can track the popularity of this service, which will result in more financial support from our advertisers.
He asks you about yourself, things like, “Can you give me a kidney?” and, “So how’s about that kidney?”
I was awoken by the sounds of you two screaming at each other. People make less noise being shanked in the shower.